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Linda Lisa | The Artist

From an early, age Linda Lisa was encouraged by her grandfather to express herself through art via several mediums including painting, drawing, and wax sculpture. Later in life, she found encouragement and inspiration from other family members who also expressed themselves through art.

After high school, Linda Lisa received a $16,000 scholarship to attended the private art school, Memphis College of Art where she found several inspiring instructors and more mediums with which to express her visions and personality. Some of the instructors there saw great potential in Linda Lisa and personally pushed her to higher standards and encouraged her to expand her talents.

Battling through some difficult times, Linda Lisa has reached a point where she can finally focus her full attention on her art career. She now divides her time between researching subjects for future art works and bringing those works to life for all the world to enjoy.

Linda Lisa hopes you will join her in her journey and find joy and inspiration in her art.

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